Going nowhere!

For the best part of toady I felt I was going no where myself. Got plenty work done but it was all that bitty kind of stuff alternating between the phone and emails with a visit in between to fill in yet another bloody form! Got form overload and wont be clear of them until the first week of Feb.

Had to go into the town to post a document and passed these two beauties wating patiently for their police escort. Imagine being stuck behind them? It has happened on the odd occassion but with two lorries that length travveling in convoy and an escort in front and behind....well you need the patience of Joab (think thats the saint!)

Hubby still in the big city fixing offprings' cars and what not so wont be home till tomorrow. I may sneak off tomorrow afternoon to Glasgow as I have to sign off yet another form and would like to take in one last gig at Celtic Connections, in fact its hubbies cousin 's band that will be playing so myself and the brat pack will be there to support them and cheer them on.

Lets hope I don't end up driving behind these two beauties on their return leg!!! Now then that would require very great patience on my part!!

Have a great traffic free blip weekend all

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