Meester Feature

By Meestermartin

The Elixir of Life

Did you ever make your own juice?

Mix up a variety of things from the fridge, cupboard and hall and just...see?

Li'l Misssy does. She and her pals Li'l A and Li'l A jnr love doing it. Coke+ Cranberry juice+ ginger beer+ice+refreshers= No sleep for a week.

We had a Sodastream when I was Li'l. It seemed quite magical. I even drank carbonated water before it was trendy. But I could never burp on demand.

This is a skill I aim to improve. Along with my drink mixing.

I will either die from bizarre cocktail overload or I will live forever.

It's not the drink in your life- It's the life in your drink.

PS- The monkey made it. Just.


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