That Will Do!

By flumgummery

The Ways o' Mice and Men

Just returned from a Burns Supper where we sang this song. There are several versions of the words

There was an auld Seceder Cat,
And it was unco gray;
It brocht a moose into the hoose
Upon the Sabbath day:
They took it to the Sess-i-on,
Wha it rebukit sore,
And made it promise faithfully
To do the same no more.

but Hugh Roberton, the arranger, added to this a verse of his own in which the cat reflects on The Ways O' Mice And Men, itself taken from the poem To A Mouse by Robert Burns:- The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley,

The song's lyrics allowed a choir to practice the tune (in this case Desert) without desecrating the words of the psalm, which could only be sung on the Sabbath.

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