Don't Worry-I'm a Pro

By AllenFreeman


Ok, I need to get out of the house more, but my cold is still hanging in there. Less nose action but my head is still buzzing a may not get out till Saturday.

Sabastian on the left is giving Spartacus on the right a little bath. Spartacus is looking to his right so you can't see him very well. I just thought this was a strange image so posted it.

We got Spartacus about 2 years ago when our other Tabby passed away. (He was 14 years old.) The next day we ran out and got Spartacus from the local animal shelter. He's not turned out to be as friendly as our other Tabby was but he may settle down when he gets older. It took Sabastian a few years before he'd get up in my lap and take a nap.

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