Relaxing Train Ride

Off up to London today for work and I used it as an extra long 'drive' into work listening to good podcasts. Before listening to some dance tunes :) I listened to one by a guy called Geoff Thompson. Aside from the funny banter he has with his sidekick at the start, it was about the different questions some teachings say you should ask yourself when you reach heaven, to help you live the best kind of life you can before you get there...

The Koran has four -
- in what way did you spend the life given to you?
- in what way did you exhaust the strength of your body?
- in what way did you earn your sustenance and wealth?
- in what way did you spend your earnings?

The egyptians apparently have two -
- have you had joy in your life?
- has your life brought joy to others?

Pretty good checkpoints, I reckon.. so I wrote them down to refer back to.

A good start to the day ;)

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