More like robin and woodpigeon-watch! I studied the garden for an hour, looking out for birds for the RSPB survey this weekend. The usual suspects - robin and wood pigeon - were around, although I was happy that two robins were bobbing around the garden together instead of just the usual lone bird. The blipped robin is in the process of watching the other on the ground below. I suspect they are rivals rather than friends since there was a bit of a peck-up around the compost heap shortly after I took the picture. Other than the usuals, I spotted a blackbird and a coal tit, plus a squirrel, a Bushcat and a ginger cat.
In the afternoon, I walked with Fred to the Dulwich PIcture Gallery to see the Norman Rockwell exhibition. The art was wonderful. His characters and techniques were so uplifting. I particularly enjoyed April Fool. There are 64 jokes in the picture - I like the cat dog.
Then back home to chill out for the evening and put on extra layers. It's got cold out there again.
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