The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Daddy's Boy

When we were expecting Callum (we didn't know we were having a boy), Philip used to talk about how if he had a son he really looked forward to the days when his boy would offer to go and wash the car for him, or mow the lawn, or paint fences - basically do all the jobs that it invariably falls to Philip to do.

Now that we have a son Philip spends quite a lot of his time trying to encourage Callum to take part in these tasks (alongside him, I hasten to add, we're no using the child as slave labour...we save that for Hannah and Ella).

You can tell by the expression on Callum's wee face what he thought of Philip's plan to go and wash the cars this afternoon. He lasted about half an hour before coming back inside complaining of cold hands and demanding to watch Go Diego Go. Aye, Callum that is, not Philip...

He came in ten minutes after that with the same complaints but wanting to watch Top Gear.

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