Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Fantastic day

Yvonne, her daughter Beth, & Beth's boyfriend, Josh, looked after me today. I have had such a lovely time. Josh drove us to Lelant and we walked back to St Ives.

I've had a great play on Porth Kidney Sands. I did loads of wallowing in the water. Yvonne was a bit worried about letting me off my lead because the first time she looked after me, she let me out in her garden (which she thought was dog proofed) & I found a little hole that I could get through to go chasing the cat next door. She was really worried that she'd lost me.

However, my owner left 'treats' for Yvonne to take with her, and I was a really good girl. Everytime, Yvonne shouted 'treats' I came zooming back to her.

I had a lovely play on the beach, then I walked all the way back to St Ives with Yvonne & Beth. When we got back to St Ives they took me to the 'Hub' for coffee (I had a whole bowl of water all for myself) where we met Josh. I like Josh. Normally I don't like men I don't know but Josh seemed OK. I think he likes me!

Then we had to go to the office to meet Ann.

Ann said I hadn't done my blipfoto for today so she made me pose with Yvonne, Beth & Josh in the office(in this photo). I was rebelling a bit. That's why I'm lying on my back. But I do look cute don't I?

Then I went for a few drinks with Ann & Jan in the 'Union'.

Then I came home and had my dinner and I've been asleep ever since. It's a bit exhausting being on the go all day?!!

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