
This little tufted titmouse is calling out in his nasal twang: Food's here! Food's here! Food's here! Of course, I don't know that for sure, but I know they make their call as a warning of danger and to alert other birds to intruders. I also know they aren't afraid of me because they flock to me and my little black bag of peanut seeds. I have noticed recently that one little bird will see me and alert the others, and in no time they show up to get their peanut chips. The friendly chickadees will land on my hand, but the titmice and nuthatches are too timid to come that close. They all come for the peanuts though, as long as I stand a few feet away. If you want to know what their call sounds like, click here and play the sound clip for the "call." Each species has its own peculiar call, and I am trying to train my ear to identify which one is which.

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