Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

40 years +/- old photography equipment

Belongs to my father. Today we took it out and I tried to fix the lenses on my Nikon. Interestingly, they did fit on my camera body but it did not detect the lens. Now, I need to know and figure out if there is any way to use these lenses with my new camera. If anybody knows, please let me know.

The tripod in this image belongs to my (late) grandfather. My father says he has been seeing this tripod for as long as he can remember, which makes it more than 55 years old, maybe even more than that. Photography is probably in my genes. Everyone I know has pursued it as a hobby. My father, his brothers and even my grandfather who even used to develop his own photos in his own dark room.

I want to take lessons on manual photography now. I have my father's equipment which he will lend to me (I am sure). I just need to find someone to do it with, maybe some classes but I think that will be hard to find here in Pakistan.

Sunday for me way lazy. I am back to my normal self and am feeling much better. I am so glad.

Just a piece of sad news. A very close family member (who was quite ill for a long time) just passed away on Friday. His son's are here from the USA and the funeral is tomorrow. Will be busy with that tomorrow.

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