Inside is Best

Third time lucky it was not to be for Andy Murray.

I feel very sorry for him not only for the result, but also for the pressure of having the nation's hopes and expectations on his shoulders.

He will be bitterly disappointed at having lost in a final again, especially as Federer and Nadal, his two nemeses were out of the match. But he was outclassed by Djokovic, who was the worthy winner.

As a loser, he will be reported as a Scot: had he won he would have been the first Brit in 75 years to win a Grand Slam. Interesting.

However we Scots are used to losing and will bounce back ( no pun intended) and be stronger for it. That's the theory anyway.

I did turn on the television to watch the game, but as usual couldn't bear staring defeat in the face and promptly turned it off again.
This on/off action happens regularly with rugby matches but football matches I can cope with as I'm not a footie fan and don't care about the results.

Other than that little bit of excitement it has been a 'keep out of the raw weather' sort of day. The land of iron got a very short visit to counteract the delicious meal last night, but then it was a case of paper reading and computer fiddling.

Still no news of Cairo boy. My call on his mobile was intercepted by some long Arabic answering service which I presume told me that no mobile connections were being allowed.
As far as I know the internet is down too and my e-mails have gone unanswered.
I do know he was hoping to go to Brussels on Friday, so he may have missed the troubles so far. We certainly hope so.

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