noble maggie

By maggiesays

Birdwatch weekend

Lacking much action in the garden, we took ourselves off to Marbury Park, where we were rewarded at one of the hides with: a woodpecker, a jay, a bullfinch, a goldcrest (that one was a first) numerous nuthatches, tits and tame robins, plus a blackbird and dunnock or two. Oh, and a roosting Tawny Owl, pointed out by a fellow 'spotter'.
Didn't get a particularly good shot of anything, but I like this one because of the wee bird on the right, throwing him/herself into oblivion!

Tried hard to contain myself about the very many small bags of dog poo adorning the trees, bushes and gateposts. I know that many of you blippers clearly love your dogs, and wouldn't dream of such behaviour but what can be done about these antisocial people please? This sight has marred many of our walks.

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