By paradoxicalove

"Fruitful" Saturday

During Robotics today, the electrical team made huge progress and finally got the basic wiring system on the prototype chassis. I learned a lot more, even more than usual days; I must say that I felt accomplished. Maybe.

This is Yashwanth, the Electrical Build leader (kinda..HAHA). I'm lovin the layout of the electrical boards and how efficiently we can use the little amount of space we have...vertically mounting the smaller functions was a great idea.

After 4, my mom picked me up and persuaded me to go to Lifetime Fitness... and I actually challenged myself and swam again, trying to set a new record for myself. Last summer, I swam a ton of laps every day for money with a bunch of old friends, and it was great. Ever since... hahaha :)

After chillaxing in the hot tub, my mom, sissy, and I went to a nearby chicken restaurant to eat, and I had a delightful conversation about future and psychology with my mom. I think I get really motivated after exercising...

Afterwards, I went to OCC for a change to meet new people and visit some friends like Tina and Ryan. It was a different experience. :)

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