Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe


I found my blip underneath a hawthorn bush.

Initially I was attracted by the vivid green moss and it was only on closer inspection that I noticed the ladybirds hibernating in this curled up hawthorn leaf.

I think they are 22 spot ladybirds (Pysllobora (Thea) Vigintiduopunctata) which are, apparently, unusual because they eat fungi. They are only about 3-4 mm long. The fact they are on a hawthorn leaf gives you an idea of how tiny they are.

How on earth they survive a winter like this one, I have no idea.

Incidentally for those who read my blip entry yesterday, the police caught the white van and its driver at the farm yard. They were members of the ethnic minority of travellers - stealing farm diesel. Maybe I'm on the side of the law after all !!

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