Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Distaste :)

After a lovely night with the girls (and a special guest appearance from Myffanwy Hertz) I escaped retired to chez Lif at around 1:30 am. I expected the house to be in darkness but himself was still up, waiting, bless and there hadnt even been any footie on the telly. We were very impressed with one of my gifts, sadly it was all too much for Oscar!

Up this morning and down to Tentsmuir. Very cold and damp, the temp was haning at around zero. Not ideal for snapping. Walked out to the point and stopped for tea and sarnies. It was grey and the vista milky and empty of snaps. So I pointed and clicked Mr Lif. His face shows his distaste!!

Home and warm, eventually. Belly full of steak and pepper sauce, mushrooms, parsnips and rosties. We may have some chocolate birthday cake later if we can make room.

A lovely weekend all round and big thanks to all who made it so.....

Time for a wine and Top Gear - perfect :)

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