In Tru Life

By TruLife

Flori's Chair

Floriana is so sweet when she's tired. I can see when she needs a rest or when she is getting close to naptime or bedtime, and I get her little rocking chair out. She then gets her dummy (or two today!) and her blankie or a soft toy and climbs in to relax in front of some Peppa Pig, Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom or CBeebies! She then sits there till she's refreshed or till I get her cot and bedroom organised for a nap.

Today though, Floriana has been really hard to please and I am almost 100% sure she must be getting some new teeth as she's just not happy. She wants me all the time and I just can't always be there! You know?

Madeleine and I went to see Tangled at the cinema and it was fab, I laughed out loud (even when noone else did!) and even cried, and afterwards felt very protective of my darling daughter. It is highly recommended and if you have a daughter, you will come out wanting to hold her very close for a very long time and not let her go!! Well if you are anything like me.... a bit softy!

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