Everyday is Red

By everydayisred


I was chit-chatting on the phone as I pulled up to the property tonight; our landlords live in the front house.
They had their curtains pulled which is no big deal, it was dark and we do the same. I wasn't really paying too much attention at the time. I was trying to wrap up the conversation I was having with my Mother. I was just about to say "OK Mom, love you good ni..." when suddenly, in front of their door, which is a pane of glass from frame to frame (and not covered with a curtain), a bare ass walks directly from one room into the kitchen. It was the bum of my landlord. I gasped out loud and then spat at my Mom, "oh my God, I just saw my landlord naked!" We immediately started laughing, my eyes were watering.
Then as I looked up again to wipe my eyes, he passed the door again! This time giving me and all of nature a frontal view! Whoa.
I knew if I got out of my car now, they would hear me and so I decided to just wait a couple of minutes and then proceed to the back house where we live.
Mom and I had a few more laughs, and just as I was about to exit the car I looked up one more time, only this time his wife walked by wearing only a tank top.
This was a nightmare.
Don't get me wrong. It's not a big deal to see a naked body for me, everyone knows what I do for a living and naked bodies are often flashed in front of me, but to see the nice young couple the rents our place to us...? The couple whose wife is a school teacher and whose husband drives the pretty VW bus, well, uh...It's a little strange.
At this point I grabbed my bag and headed through the gate and down the stairs to our front door. I was greeted by N.
I immediately told him what had just happened.
His reply, "WHAT?"
I told him again.
N. just shook his head and said, "Man, I miss all the good stuff."

And I get to see it all. Always.

I have to go wash my eyes now. With rubbing alcohol.

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