secret garden

By freespiral

Dull, grey and drizzly. The heating has packed in at school so it was freezing - we carried on manfully, wrapped up in scarves and coats. The engineer was on his way as I left.

Final meeting with Lisa tonight re cards so madly preparing for that. Also a bit of planning -  on the cards for tomorrow, St Bridget's Day and static electricity - I have just pumped up twelve balloons in preparation! Can you work out what we'll be up to?? It's also time for the next Wwoof Ireland newsletter and I am the lucky editor so am trying to keep on top of that.

I'm writing this in the kitchen and have just put out some peanuts - there are currently eight blue tits and three Great tits dangling off various things outside the window - all very busy.

You might work out where I was for today's blip!  Back here again - it has such a nice feel to it, I'm very drawn in. This old windowsill had a great selection of rotten wood, peeling paint and fresh foliage.

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