Alan Stobie's little eye

By stobston


Replaced almost all vacuum hoses on the car to see of it cured its ailments, then took it for a 5 min burst along to the old airfield in Crail . It has given it a little more poke, but not completely cured the lumpy problem - engine light still comes on. Felt a bit weird stopping in at the old place Malcolm, Alex and I used to race our hot hatches when we were younger - even for 30 seconds (it seemed a little eerie) but at least I got a blip of an old disused airfield building. Got back with my little girl crying for food. I'd been 5 minutes too long and, as a result, she wouldn't be spoon fed. A feed from mum instead. Big tantrums all round. I feel like I'm probably a terrible parent.... But I try my best. Not heard from anyone today. Maybe a good sign...

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