Don't use trishaws. Are you kidding?

Went for an amazing meal at the Sheherazade in the Galadari hotel. There were people sitting around smoking shisha near the door, and Arabic music playing. The salads were amazing and so were the desserts. They even had Om Ali. I felt like I was back in Qatar.

When we came out, this sign tried to persuade us to take inflatedly priced hotel cars, but the doorman was good enough to hail us a trishaw from around the corner, despite the sign.

Then went to my friend's place and we watched Black Swan. Vincent Cassell was very good, as was Mila Kunis. I have to admit I was underwhelmed, though, strangely, on the whole.

Caught up with the situation in Egypt on Al Jazeera TV. People are ignoring the curfew and insisting that Mubarak step down. Netanyahu is afraid of who might replace him.

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