Right Here Right Now

By katesphotos

Interview Day

It was the interview today for the Library Development Worker job.

10 min presentation on a topic given to you and hour before the interview...it was about community profiles...so were given a booklet full of stats (not my strong point!)

...my booklet had 2 blank pages in it and quite a few glaring errors ( for example when it said % it was actual numbers of issues) I pointed this out before I did my presentation...part of me wondered if it was designed to catch you out...I was the 5th of 6 interviewees...and although the other candidates noticed (I found later) no one else mentioned it.

Don't know if that's good or bad for me.

Got one bit totally wrong - but hope that's all!

50 min interview after the presentation...think I answered most things, but was very nervous.

Anyway - not sure if the interview went well or badly...so watch this space and keep everything crossed for me.

I went to the interview suited and booted and the blip should really have been a sp of me in my suit...but thought that might jinx my chances, so instead it's my librarian glasses.

Worn today to make me appear a bit cleverer.


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