The Lizard Meanders

By lizardmeanders

Dream House

Sweet little house, folded, snipped, and drawn by hand, by youngest daughter G.

* * *

Yesterday, I had great fun writing little alphabet poems back and forth in a chain with Dave Bonta. Bob BrouckL started it. Now we have a whole set, titled "Letters Upon an Arc of White" *.

* * *

And here is "Landscape, with an End and a Beginning", today's poem written in response to The Morning Porch; as usual it is now up on Via Negativa.

* Note: The allusion is to Emily Dickinsons's poem, "The Spider" (#27) --

A spider sewed at night
Without a light
Upon an arc of white.
If ruff it was of dame
Or shroud of gnome,
Himself, himself inform.
Of immortality
His strategy
Was physiognomy.

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