Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


Despite any hopes for a long lie we were awake at 7.15 this morning waiting on Amelie waking up so we could give her a quick breakfast before we went down to use the pool. She was more unsure of the water than she was the last time we took her but she soon settled in and had lots of fun. She managed to distract a whole group of children having a lesson who were wanting to know what she was saying. We, of course, had no idea.

After our swim we went for breakfast and we all ate rather a lot (some of us had 3 courses!). Amelie enjoyed some fruit, raisins and one of her biscuits.

In the afternoon we headed into Derby and had a wander around the shops. Amelie wasn't really happy to sit in the buggy so had to be carried around some of the time. Eventually we headed to Pizza Express for dinner and she got to try some pizza crust and then polished off her dinner. On the way back tothe car she fell fast asleep and didn't wake up until we got back tothe hotel where she woke up refreshed and ready to cause mischief until she finally went back to sleep around 9.

It was Chirs' birthday on the Sunday so we had a cake for him on Saturday night and Amelie enjoyed blowing out the candle!

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