
By danchippendale

Self portrait

Today I have been stuck at my desk. No time to go for a wander to find interesting things to snap. So what can I take a photo of at my desk (other than the go-to photo of the sun setting out my window)? Me of course. I've not really used my M9 on a tripod very much, it kinda goes against the way i want to use this camera, but glad i did.

Set it over my right shoulder with my 90mm lens as f/2, 160 ISO. Focused on the headrest of my chair and then whacked the self timer on 12 seconds, pressed the shutter release and sat down. Amazed I hit perfect focus. The lens is a pre-aspherical version but it's super sharp. Really amazed how it handled the exposure and noise. I love this goddam camera. I love the tripod too. Going to have to use one a bit more often I think!

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