Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Uncle Lofty

It seems to have been a week for visiting cemetarys for me. Earlier in the week I visited my grandmothers grave on my Dads side, today it has been my grandmothers grave on my Mums side. I'd mentioned to A. Rose that I'd been to see Lofty's grave (her husband) and it was looking a little sad. Lofty and Gran are in the same grave. So she bought some very nice artificial flowers and I took her up to the cemetary, she hadn't visited the grave for years and I think she was a little upset by the state of it, so I tidied it up and put the new flowers in the holder for her and took a photo to remind her of how nice it looked.

Guess what, we went shopping again, this time to the Strand in Bootle, I parked myself in the cafe with my book, had a coffee and a very nice sandwich and let the two of them roam around and do their shopping.

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