Snapshots of reality

By ktbm


I've lasted a month on blipfoto! This was the view coming out of the Princes Street Mall this morning. Thankfully there weren't many people out this morning, though that didn't change the fact that I have a STUPID body shape and so nothing fits me. Annoying. In the end I came away with a jacket and tights, then I had to go to Cameron Toll this afternoon to get some shoes. My shopping list now only has on it: a shirt, and possibly a skirt. Cycling home from Cameron Toll I got incredibly wet due to a horrible downpour.

Today I got my exam results. And they were amazing. 73% in Solids, 71% in Management (the best mark in the class), 69% in Thermodynamics (that I'm still convinced I failed) and 58% in Design, which is also a miracle. I'm waiting on one result, and if it's 79% then I'll have achieved a first overall for last semester. Score!

(This time next week I'll be driving home from my assessment centre. Eek.)

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