Mummy's Little Nutter

15 months 11 days

It's been a pretty gentle day today. She didn't have the best of nights, a combination of teeth, a really long daytime sleep yesterday and general not wanting her bed. We got up and headed out for tea and toast. She went off and played happily. We had a story time session and she sat and did some of the songs - she wanted to sing dingle dangle scarecrow and stood in the middle of all the children doing 'up jump', until they did it. She was sat with one of my friends after story time, reading through one of her books and did all the animal noises - including one i didnt know she knew!

SHe was pretty tired after, I managed to get her to have some lunch before putting her down for a sleep. When she woke up we had a play at home, she was begging to do 'head shoulders' over and over - 'head' she kept saying before patting her head, and then her knees.

We went out to collect a parcel and she was having a great time trotting along. As you may notice from the picture, she splatted in a big wet patch, although dried off pretty quickly! She thought it was rather funny. When we got home and she'd had some tea, she charged around like a madthing for a while - including with the sock in her mouth.

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