Family of three.

By livingbythesea


Tried out some receipes with a new healthy oil that will be coming on the market soon. I'm testing it and although I am unable to tell you it's name at the moment it is great. Replaces butter in cooking and oil in stir fries or basting etc. Jack and Erin certainly had no complaints about the whoopie pies i made today as I think you can tell from Jacks face.
Had such a lovely day today with lots of games with the children and some news that I will hopefully share in a blip with you very soon. Very tired today after nearly 2 weeks of very early mornings courtesy of Erin, not sure how I did it when they were first born struggle to function now with less sleep.
A busy day for us tomorrow with toddlers club, swimming and then ballet followed by a visit to my parents. Maybe I should have an early night?

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