Kat's eye view

By kats_eye

flowering possibility

looking looking looking
beauty lines
shapes and colours

I am obsessed, constantly framing pictures in my mind, although I am not carrying my camera.

Walking home, tentatively talking about a book we might, we will, make together, I'm hopefulcautiousinspiredhestitantbubblinguncertainexcitement, but wanting to ask
"what really, you think we could? Would really want to do that with me or are you just being nice because you always are?"
He IS an artist, he makes his living from art. Creativity is his life. And I am just me, I cannot imagine that working with me would inspire,
I cannot imagine to think of myself not just as the enthuser, facilitator, supporter; but as the creator, the artist too.

But this will be the year of imagining. I will make more time for play, for creativity, for life.

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