Family Dog

By Family_Dog

little blips of colour

There's something about Porty beach in the winter time that I absolutely love - it's really moody and unforgiving at the same time as being really flat with an almost lilac hue to the grey (too much? Okay, sorry).

Saturday took us off to visit Evey Weevey Watson and her little sister Anabel and her Mummy Vicki. The kids had a much needed catch up over several cups of coffee and us Mums dressed up in princess dresses and argued over who's turn it was to hold Ariel the mermaid.

We all decided to wrap up warm and get out of the house for some much needed air and headed for the beach. It was bloody cold though (not helped by the fact that my coat no longer buttons up - 2 buttons have popped off now and rather than it being a winter coat it is more a cape with sleeves - very fetching, I think you'll agree) so we didn't stay out too long.

Arlo and Eve were the only spots of colour on the whole beach - it was like watching two little fireflies bombing around.

My back teeth had started to hurt from the cold so we decided to get back to the warm. Fortunately Vicki had jaffa cakes to lure my sandy child out of the cold, or I think he'd have stayed there for hours making 'hand' castles - he's a determined, bloody minded child when he wants to be.

Yes, very funny. I will say it before you do 'Now, I wonder where he got that from?'. Ha ha bloody ha.

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