Family Dog

By Family_Dog

"what the hell is this?" I hear you cry.

It's the number 400 written in a selection of my current favourite foods of course!!!

And like any other slightly weary pregnant lady, I am having gherkins, feta cheese, green olives, sun blush tomatoes, red onion and cherry tomatoes.

Oh - not to mention a bit of rocket and a mahoosive baked tattie.

I will then wash it all down with a glass of sparkling water and approximately 5 (or 6) jaffa cakes.

A worthy entry for my 400th don't you think? Although I had forgotten that I have a blip from yesterday I wanted to post when the server was down so I have a funny feeling that when I back blip that one this will end up being number 401 and then my picture will make NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.

And I am usually SO reliable to make sense too...

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