
By magpie


Here's what happens when you cast your head down and navel-gaze too much; two fingers to you.

Slipped down to the prom to see what was what, took this en route, found meaning in it and looked ahead instead. I bumped into a colleague with a posh camera and we had a chat about photography, geekiness and he seemed interested in why on earth I was taking a photo every day. He asked for the website, though I was somewhat concerned to think what he'll make of me blipping flowers and birds and going on about cakes. Constantly.

Kept my head up too to meet Lady F's #1 again at Peter's Yards and very nice it was too. She was on her new bike which has made me resolve to get my own out of the cobweb-ridden shed in the very near future and continue to look onwards and upwards.

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