
By dailykeith

And relax...

First night of proper gym action and... well, put it this way, I'll approach it in a more measured way next time!

I attacked all sorts of equipment, but after yonks without a proper workout, I came away feeling slightly the worse for wear.

I was glad it was cool and wet outside - it brought me to my senses.

Anyway, the photo is not a scene put together specially for the occasion. Taking a photo of my shoes was about all I had the energy to muster.

The book is on the table because we are in the throes planning another thrilling Spanish adventure, which will no doubt soon become the subject of mucho blipperio.

The DVDs are there just in case we have TV withdrawal symptoms and need to watch moving images on the laptop to satisfy our occasional craving.

And the Evening Post is there possibly because we were intrigued by the 'Swinging in the Suburbs' headline.

A respectable street in upmarket Clifton now has a bondage joint immediately opposite a school. They are always opposite schools in these stories, aren't they? The fact that it is only open late at night doesn't seem to make any difference, as far as the reporter is concerned.

Anyway, it will probably be shut down because it constitutes a change of use - from swanky address to sex den.

I think my own change of use to Olympic athlete is causing me to shut down.

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