Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Alarm Call

The tranquility of my environs, tranquil if you discount the barking dogs, the thumping bass emanating from cars driven by the cool dudes, not, and old cars that sound more like tractors stuck in three feet of mud, was rudely shattered by the sound of sirens.

One fire engine flashed by the window, followed by another and another and another. Two police cars joined this tribute to the Daytona 500.

I was on the scene like a flash, armed with my camera. Actually, I sauntered down at a leisurely pace after having a cigarette on the back deck. Another ten minutes or so and everyone would have left the scene.

But I had my photo for today's blip. The fireman I photographed told me they had responded to smoke seen coming from a derelict building. It used to be a dairy many years ago, so the locals tell me. I doubt it will ever be put to good use again in my lifetime. Redevelopment in thriving Jacksonville is a long drawn out affair, basically because no one in a position of power and influence really cares. It is a city in terminal decline.

Talking of decline, I had the misfortune to sit through Stoke's 2-0 defeat against Liverpool. All the adjectives that sum up Stoke's performance begin with the letter 'd' -- dismal, dire, diabolical, Diao and Delap.

On this showing, I really do fear for Stoke's continued existence in the English Premier League.

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