
By stravaig

Storm Brewing

The snow returned last night. Only a dusting at low levels but more on the Ochil Hills and judging by the clouds this morning, more to come.

Glad Behr (our Bernese Mountain Dog) and I did a longish walk this morning as right now its blowing a gale outside and the rain is teeming down. He'll still need another walk soon so looks like we're in for a drenching. Behr of course loves the cold and snow so it was a choice to go with him rolling around in snow or with the more menacing scene of clouds hovering over the hills. I went with the latter as I've done a few blips of Behr and snow already.

I gather from the weather forecasts that the Scottish Islands and the north west coast are to expect severe gales, perhapse even hurricane force winds today. To all you blippers in that region and your friends - stay safe. So too for those in the USA and Australia who are experiencing severe weather.

Roll on Spring and early Spring if we are to believe the groundhog from yesterday.

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