I pull from you isjaka...


Diagonal rain gutters and Queensbury House

I was expecting to be blipping a picture of the Minister for Community Safety, as we had a meeting with him this afternoon. But there wasn't time to ask him for a portrait before we had to leave the room for the next meeting.

Here are some Morales designed diagonal rain gutters. They apparently work very well and look quite good on the side of the MSP offices.

The white building on the right is the rear of Queensbury House. It used to be a hospital before they built the parliament and I heard a story from a nurse who worked there. When the House was owned by the Marquis of Queensbury (yes the one who invented the rules of modern boxing) the family returned home one afternoon to find the insane relative who was normally locked up in a garret room, in the kitchen eating the young servant boy who was being roasted on a spit over the fire.

Queensbury house is reputed to be haunted by the ghost of the young boy who would be seen by dying patients at the foot of their beds.

I wonder if there has been any sightings since the parliament opened?

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