Star Light, Star Bright...

Tomorrow being Independence Day in Sri Lanka, the night buses to Galle were few and far between. After a long wait, I got on one, but it was standing room only.

Just as I thought it couldn't fit any more people on, it stopped and three more passengers squeezed in.

Nobody was wearing seatbelts, and we kept overtaking other buses really fast, on solid lines.

So that was how I travelled. For three hours. Packed in like a sardine. Then a guy threw up, but not on me, thankfully.

The others tried unceremoniously to eject him, and it was like a Mexican Wave at a football match, you had to go with the movement, as you were part of it.

Anyway, he objected, and got to stay on. A minute later, he chose to be let off in the middle of nowhere.

Now I am at my second home, and having left my chargers here all week, I couldn't blip earlier. So here is one to offer hope, and to avoid missing a blip.

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