Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


Busy day today. I went to the library with Gran and Papa this morning, and then in the afternoon Papa took me out to Uncle Ben's. Mum phoned his mobile whilst we were there. I told Papa "I want to speak!" Then I said "hiya Mummy, I'm in Uncle Ben's house. I'm playing with toys. Bye-bye".

Tonight the Piplings and cheebies did "bridge". It's a very hard yogo move and I didn't quite manage it myself! It has been very very rainy and windy today. When Mum, Dad and Auntie Katie arrived at Gran and Papa's house, they were all very wet. We took Auntie Katie home so she didn't have to get the bus in the horrible weather. This was the conversation between me and Dad in the car:

Me: I want music on!

Orlasdad: Why don't you sing us a song?

Me: Okay. "The wheels on the bus go", I WANT MUSIC ON!!

so Dad put the music on.

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