I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Whats afoot?

The weather was terrible today, high winds, sleet, rain, cold......miserable!
The dog had to be taken a drag and kept looking at me as if to say ARE YOU MAD coming out in this!!!
Nothing was very tempting to blip outside so I started thinking about all the miles I have walked on my wee tootsies, they take such a pounding over a lifetime.

I am not one for painting my toenails, nor pedicures etc, but I can say I have never crammed them into tight shoes or high heels (very often). They just get the occasional rub with Arran Aromatic lavender foot cream and they feel revived again. They have lost toenails from climbing and descending munros. they have paddled in the sea, and they have been rubbed smooth in the sand :) Where will they take me tomorrow, I do not know ....... :)

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