
By dsyglsy

guardian of scotland

I'd like to think that william wallace was this huge in real life. I really like this statue...whenever I pass it with the kids, we always stop and just look at it for a while (I must confess that I told the kids he was that big...heh heh - well, you've got to amuse yourself somehow). And the quotes from Wallace at the bottom of the statue are great...brings a wee tear to my eye.

*ahem*...anyway, I was in town today getting daisy's birthday presents which was great, I got far too much as usual - but hey-ho, she's going to have a great day on monday. she's trying very hard to be a good girl after a bad start to the week (and a confiscated itouch)...there's too much at stake now to be naughty - parties, sleepovers, presents - there's no way she'll risk any of those!

and as usual on any shopping trip of mine...I had to sneak a wee item for myself in there. hey! It was in the sale!

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