As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Rest In Peace Jackie

My friend's sister, Jackie, passed away yesterday night. She was a freshman at SUNY Albany. I didn't know her well, but from what I've heard, she was sweet, caring, and happy.(

I hate to do this but I feel like I still need to blip about today, as stupid as it may sound after what's written above, but alas, I go on...

I walked into school not knowing anything. I was immediately assaulted by some of my friends. They hit me with a barrage of questions. I didn't know what was going on and I didn't confirm it until 3rd period. Everyone said that they saw R.I.P. statuses on Facebook last night but I didn't notice them. I called Grace and told her to hurry to orchestra so that I could use her Blackberry to check to see if it was true. When her and Aly walked in, they told me that we were going to Ms. C's office. Ms. C is the science department head and has a really nice office that's always packed with food and we knew that she'd know what's up. So we went and she confirmed it for us. Aly cried, Grace put on a brave face, and I just sat there, stunned. I'm very close with Jackie's sister and I was nervous about how she would take the news, but she's staying strong (like always) and I hope she knows that I'm always here for her, despite how many times I've already told her. Ms. C saw that Grace was trying to hide her feelings so they went for a short walk. Aly was crying and Ms. C didn't have tissues so she used napkins instead. This is what Grace drew on hers....

The rest of school was uneventful. I went to Rube Goldberg and walked from there to religion with Maureen and Kate. Then I came home, ate, and went to the first show.

The pit was pretty bad, but that cast was good. The dancers rushed on Be Our Guest and the whole second act is basically one continuous song so that was difficult. Our piano played rushed the fermata on the Transformation/Finale so the cue for Alex to come out as the prince was off. But in general, it was a good performance.

Now I have a ton of homework and I am not in the mood to do it.

Word of the Day: Eclat - Brilliance of success, reputation, etc.

Goodbye Jackie. You will be missed <3

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