Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Its a bird, its a........lots of birds.

This whole day has been going bad for my photography. I started the day early, but not early enough. As I was driving into town, I saw the breathtaking sunrise; I could not get my car to go fast enough. It's a wonder I didn't get a ticket or crash my car. I just kept eying the sunrise saying to myself "Don't go away, don't go away". Sure enough, by the time I got there, it had gone away.

I decided to go to the store and pick up some things I needed, and I took a few shots of some water and pilings close to the store. When I checked my shots, they were real duds.

This evening, I went to the "Bay Blippers" pier, and took a few shots and then my memory card gave me that message "memory card is full". So, I deleted some shots. Then, after taking a few more shots, I got another message "change your battery". It clearly was not my day.

I got this shot that Steven Michael set up; he is great at thinking up perfect blipping shots. I loved the expression on this young girl's face. She was having the time of her life.

So, I hope Steven doesn't mind me horning in on his great setup, but I really liked this shot.

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