What's up today?

By sabby

And it's CNY..

Most shops are closed. And the very few shop that are open are filled with.. Nevermind.

We went out anyway because dear wanna make full use if his long off days and I'm just miserable at "home". After afternoon nap, we went visit Kak ina and headed to marina square after that.

Once we reached suntec, dear hurried to the fountain of wealth. He insisted I wait at the fountain laser msges. After a while he said we can come back later.

Went pizza hut. It was damn stuffy! I don't feel the lively vibrant spirit anymore. It's dead. Our request of assistance too ages and the food presentation if really very bad. The sweet spice drumplets are dripping with oil. The worst part, they serve warm chocolate cake with strawberry ice cream. Hmmmm.. A little heads up will be fine.

While waiting for the food to arrive, dear went back to the fountain. He actually requested for a msg to display during the laser show. It is : To: Mami and Sara from : daddy I love you many many!!

During dinner, we had a little trouble with the very active Sara. I kinda envy dear who is able to entertain Sara. He made Sara laugh alot. We ate mostly using only 1 hand. Him: 1 to hold Sara, 1, to feed self. Me: 1 to hold dear's dish 1, to feed self. From this, o learned that being parents, you should be expert doing things with 1 hand only.

After dinner, headed home to collect some things before heading to our friend, yasser's place for gathering.

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