Toy Car

This is the toy car we bought today for our 2 year old nephew as during the night his little brother was born. The new addition was born over six weeks premature and was placed in special care while my sister recovered elsewhere. While both mother and baby are getting better, it's the shock of not being able to do anything that has had me pacing around constantly looking at my phone waiting for the next titbit of news... and if I'm like this then my sister and her partner will be ten times worse.

Over nine years ago we were the parents waiting for news from special care, Amethyst was born premature - although the circumstances we different the panic and stress while waiting for news is the same. I know what my sister is going through, have experienced my version of it, yet I would never of wished the same for anyone else.

As the oldest amongst my siblings I want to be able to say it's okay and everything is going to be fine, my sister after all is the baby of the three. Perhaps I should just look at my phone again, just in case...

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