So cheeky

15 months 14 days

We like fridays, a lot. They start out with gymnastics. Katie and Ava saw each other at opposite ends of the corridor and ran to each other, waving, stroking and grinning. Katie was on full speed for the whole class, she went round the apparatus about 4 times in the free play and in all the games was running as fast as her little legs could take her. Plus her usual attempts to go escape to the big girls' class.

We went to soft play, and the girls seemed to enjoy it. They did their usual major troughing session and then played. But it was hell for the mummies. THere were some older children there, exceptionally noisy and one particular kept shoving the babies, pinching toys, kicking off generally. So we gave up after 45 minutes and went for lunch. Although a quiet darkened room would have been preferable.

Katie crashed out almost as soon as I put her in the car, which I'd suspected she would so it was one of the days when our new bigger rear facing seat came in handy as I was able to go get some bits and a paper in the supermarket, without having to wake her attempting to put her in the pram. I'd forgotten the convenience of the carry seats - partly probably because she despised every second she was in that chair, this one she tolerates.

When she woke up, she realised we were at the swimming pool and immediately was so excited. It was a bit of a struggle to hold her back while the previous class finished off and her teacher let her in before the big girls were out in the end. She really enjoyed the class, but she's not wanting to do the songs so much, she wants to swim, jump, chase and splash. So her teacher gave her and the other toddler different activities whilst doing baby things with the littlie. I was sad though - when she was tiny, she absolutely adored going on the thin float mat, everyone called it 'Katie's mat' she loved it that much. They have a new one, which Sarah let Katie be first to use. She didnt like it. She wanted to be back in the water. WHich is great, it means she wants to be independent and off. We stayed in the water nearly 90 minutes, as soon as she had her armbands on there was no stopping her. She was getting really confident on the steps too, jumping off them, fishing for the hoops without minding if her head went under.

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