Reikes small life...

By Reike

Good morning, good night

Good cycle in, good cycle back - until back in the city I nearly got run over by a very big very black car with an out of my way I'm coming attitude. The also very stupid driver had a nice pleasant conversation with me.

Me: You really should have a look at what you are doing!
Driver: No, you lookie.
Me: No, you were going right, I was going straight on and you need to watch out!
Driver: No, you lookie when you in ma way.
Me: I was in front of you, damn it. Got no eyes in the back of my head.
Driver: Your problem.
Me: If you run me over and kill me it is your problem.
Driver: No, is no problem, no problem at all!

I'm very proud of myself, I didn't swear. Well, maybe not as much as at work.

Oh dear god. I wish there weren't so many of those around in this world.

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