Day 2 Of No daddy,
Didn't get up to as much mischief today,
only managed to entirely empty food cupboards,
before throwing the spaghetti every were,
then stole a cake, before grabbing my coat,
and then marching to the front door
(who needs shoes!)
On finally getting the hint,
(poor mummy not feeling great,
is very glad the park is on the doorstep,
as PJs too the park it was for her!)

I insisted we walk round the houses first,
then to the park,
before another trot around the houses,
I then decided to head home,
yelling Bic Bic Bic,
Indoors, I ran straight to the cupboard,
stole some crisps, once finished,
Back out I wanted to go,
Luckily by this time daddy was due home,
so we headed up to meet him,
I fell over though,
in my excitment I forgot that feet walk,
and tried to fly, I bit my tongue,
that made me cry, lots of cuddles from mummy,
before off we went again,
on seeing daddy, I waved, said dada,
then ran past...........!!

I like being outdoors, running round,
seeing every thing and every one,
but we had to come home soon as it was cold :(
Can't wait to go out again!

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