Bridge Kirjalansalmi, Länsi-Turunmaa, Finland

If I get annoyed, there's always a reason for it. For example, I hate it when people think that you can capture fine photos with very expensive equipment only. Douchebags, an expensive camera and objectives don't make you better photographers! The price of your equipment doesn't tell about the quality of your work; the only thing that can tell it is your work itself; the feelings, the emotions and the life captured to it are vital for photography.

Well, I'm not a professional photographer, I don't have expensive equipment and I don't have Photoshop installed on my computer. I took this shot from a moving car with my Nikon D3000 and 18-55mm Nikkor objective. I don't have any other objectives and I'm not going to buy another just because "I should to".

I'm doing this just because I love hanging from a car window, climbing up an apple tree and running towards nothing. I also love listening and playing classical music, drinking tea and learning about the things around us. However, I don't want to force anybody to do as I do, but I want that they understood what's it all about before starting a fight of arguments with hollow reasoning.

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