not a Daily Blipper

By suzy


Cannot belive that I have got here my 200 blip. Could not get out side blip as weather very nasty doing everything but snow. Molly had a quick walk with her dad to do her bits. We had a bit of shopping to do this morning. So have been think of what to do and as molly has been in nearly half and been my mate on many a blip trip I thought it only right that she should be the star of it so I used her biscuits for the 200 she watched me place every one.

she has all her toys around which she knows every one.

thank you to every one who has comment on any of my pictures i have loved doing them it gets me looking at things in a different way. Even when i watch telly and see a beautiful view i think that will make a good blip i must be addicted to blip i suppose it is not a bad addiction

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