Building blocks
A quiet day at home today with Mum and Dad, mainly because Dad is still feeling poorly. I had fun though, especially since my Mum has been working late most of this week. I was a very good girl this morning, and did another pee pee in my potty. As part of my reward, I got to dress up in my Tinkerbell outfit for the rest of the day. My Mum made some breadsticks and I wanted to eat all of them - she wouldn't let me, though I did have one with some cheese and apple for my lunch. Then I spent the afternoon playing - with Peppa's House, my Gruffalo snakes and ladders game, my rocking dinosaur. I drew a picture of a face, did my Gruffalo jigsaw (and got lots of bits of it right myself!) and of course, played with my blocks. I built a tower that was completely symmetrical - Dad was very impressed by that. I also built a very tall tower and said "look at this!".
Two of my favourite songs today:
"Three fat sausages, sizzling in a pan. All of a sudden, one went bang!"
And my take on Puff the Magic Dragon - "little Orla J, loved that rascal Puff. She brought him string and hmmmmmm wax and other funny stuff."
Here's some videos:
Building a tower
All of a suddenage, one went bang!
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